

Clinical psychiatry:
Anxiety disorders:
aimed at adults
and adolescents who are
psychological suffering,
stressful situations,
a feeling of loss
of control or fear.


Lack of energy,
sadness, irritability or insomnia
may be symptoms
of a depressive disorder.
Ask me.

Sleep disorders:
Much of the sleep
disorders can hide a mental
health problem.
Insomnia is a serious
and disabling symptom,
which can decrease
our intellectual performance
and quality of life.


This condition decreases
our performance to extremely
disabling levels,
as well as causing terrible
inner discomfort.


Bipolar disorder:
It is one of the most serious
in mental health,
difficult to diagnose
and complex to treat,
which requires close
and personalized monitoring.


Adult personality
and behavior disorders:

In these cases, close monitoring
is important, due to frequently
altered states of conduct,
which generate deep
discomfort and significant
social dysfunction.


Eating disorder:
These disorders
are important diseases,
in whose development,
course and prognosis,
emotional factors,
personality traits, changes
in the family environment
and even a possible
biological factor are involved.
Patients with eating
disorders present a wide
range of symptoms
that usually occur continuously
and are accompanied
by profound discomfort.


Psychotic disorders:
They include a range
of pathologies, which entail
a high degree of functional
impairment, and human suffering.
That require humane
and destigmatized treatment.


Substance addictions:
Alcohol, cocaine, cannabis,
benzodiazepines, opiates...
create a loss of years
of life and a social support
network, destroying the health
of the individual and in many
cases of the family
and close friends.

Habit and impulse 

control disorders:

Behavioral addictions,
compulsive gambling,
explosive disorder.

Ask me.

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Elvira Herreria - International Psychiatric Treatment
© 2023 Elvira Herreria. Design, Photography & Art Direction: by Bluekea